Every year the SIA highlights outstanding scholarship in the field of industrial archeology with the Vogel Prize. Named in honor of SIA co-founder and distinguished…

Vogel Prize Committee Chair Arron Kotlensky presents the 2019 Vogel Prize to Steven Walton at the SIA Annual Meeting in Chicago, Illinois. Photo by Mark…

2018 – Fred Quivik for his article “Nuisance, Source of Wealth, or Potentially Practical Material: Visions of Tailings in Idaho’s Coeur d’Alene Mining District, 1888–2001,”…

2017 – Mark Foster for his article “New Bedford: Whale Oil Refining Capital,” published in IA Vol. 40, Nos. 1 & 2, pp. 51-70 The winner of…

2016 – Sean Gohman for his article “It’s Not Time to Be Wasted: Identifying, Evaluating, and Appreciating Mine Wastes in Michigan’s Copper Country,” published in IA Vol….

2015 – Eric Nystrom for his article “Underground Mine Maps and the Development of the Butte System at the Turn of the Century,” published in…

This year the Vogel Prize is awarded to Paul J. White for his paper “The Rise and Fall of the California Stamp: Historical and Archaeological…

The 2012 Robert M. Vogel prize is awarded to Robert W. Passfield for his article St. Andrew’s Caméré Curtain Bridge Dam, Lockport, Manitoba,” which appeared…

The Robert M. Vogel Prize for 2010 is awarded to Dennis E. Howe for his article “An Archaeological Survey of the Whiteport Cement Works” which…

At the 2009 Annual Business Meeting in Pittsburgh, the 2009 Vogel Prize was awarded to Marco Meniketti for “Sugar Mills, Technology, and Environmental Change: A…