CFP: Atomic I.A.

IA: The Journal of the Society for Industrial Archeology is planning an issue on “Atomic I.A.” for publication in 2020.

Topics we are seeing are any facet of industrial archaeology of  the atomic/nuclear/space age, including, but not limited to, atomic production sites, research facilities, space-race facilities and related objects, and even the pop-culture of the Atomic Age.  Typical articles for IA are sited–that is, they concentrate on a site or sites–and integrate some material remains in their analysis, but the field of approach is open: archaeology, history of technology, material culture, anthropology, geography, and so on.

Inquiries should be directed to the general editor, Steve Walton, at Articles should be sent in draft by the end of 2019, but pease make contact before that for guidance and input.

Information on submissions

Intersting article on the overall issues of such investigation here: