General Tools Award 2008 – Christopher Andreae

At the May 31 Annual Business Meeting in San Jose, the 2008 General Tools Award was presented to Christopher (Chris) Andreae. The combined education, career and professional accomplishments this year’s recipient demonstrate an unequivocal commitment to bringing industrial archeology into sharp focus in studies of historic places. Since the 1970s, Chris has been untiring in his willingness to share his knowledge about the industrial past with students, youth, colleagues, enthusiasts, and academics. He has led fights to preserve historic industrial sites and has demonstrated the value of industrial archeology as an integral part of heritage recording and conservation strategies. Chris has been a member of the SIA since 1974 and has made significant contributions as a Director, Vice-President, President, and organizer of tours and conferences. He has been a key figure in Canadian industrial archeology through his participation in IA organizations, teaching, site studies, and publications, including the remarkable book, Lines of Country: An Atlas of Railway and Waterway History in Canada. His scholarly work includes dozens of heritage recording studies that have set a high bar for interdisciplinary approaches and for furthering our understanding of industrial technologies, science, and economics.